Wednesday, March 02, 2011

"Day -9" and counting...

I feel like Shorty Powers at NASA giving the countdown.  If you're not familiar with Shorty Powers then you must be young.  During the Mercury days he'd give the launch count down and then after launch tell us that everything was "A-OK."

So far everything is "A-OK" with Reid's anticipated stem cell transplant.  He received the three pre-admission injections which were to help with mouth sores.  The doctor had told him that they would cause a coating on the cells to protect them.  I guess they did because he developed a coating on his tongue which he finds a little annoying and which gives his food little taste.  He also developed a red face which is a side effect of this medication.  Yesterday he looked as if he'd been out in the sun way too long, but today it wasn't as noticeable.

He was admitted to the hospital on Monday evening.  On Tuesday he was given a test dose of one of the chemo drugs and then blood was drawn every two hours all day.  I believe this was to see how his body would react to the drug and how it was metabolized.  This drug can cause seizures, so he had to take anti-seizure medication.  The pharmacist told him that he must take this with the chemo drug and if he's ever unable to keep it down they will give it to him by IV.

Today was day -9 and a day of rest.  No chemo was given and he was feeling just fine.  We ordered lunch from room service and also took a ten minute walk outside the room wearing our gloves and masks.  Reid doesn't have to wear a mask or gloves in his room, but everyone else does.  He only has to wear them when he leaves the room.  He also began a  mouth regiment where he has to gargle four times a day with some special stuff (new medical term).  This is also to help with mouth sores.

Tomorrow is day -8 and that is when the real chemo begins.  His stem cells are scheduled to be returned to him on "day 0" which is March 11th.  We're told that some people consider this their new birthday.

Over the weekend Troy told me to return the Netbook and I notified Amazon that I wanted to get a replacement.  They immediately shipped a new one.  It was here in two days!  I can't say enough about Amazon's great service.  I took it to the hospital today and then couldn't connect to their WiFi.  Reid tried and he couldn't get it to work either.  I was about to call MD Anderson's tech department but decided to try one more time.  A box came up, I clicked it, and it worked.  Unfortunately, I have no idea how I did it and now hope I can get it to connect tomorrow.  We must have been doing something wrong.  It gave me the option of saving the connection and I didn't.  I was afraid that if I did it wouldn't work at the house.  Now I'm kind of sorry I didn't just save the connection for the hospital since that's where I'll be using it most of the time.  Wish me luck tomorrow.

I came home yesterday and went out on the deck to visit the cats.  I looked up and saw this...

Yes, little baby leaves.  Spring is definitely right around the corner.

I also took a few pictures of the cats.  Here's Atticus...


and Scout.

I'll try and post regular updates.  It will be a long hospitalization and if anyone would like to send a note or card (nothing else is allowed) the address is:

Reid Martin
c/o MD Anderson Cancer Center
Room 1076
1515 Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77030

Thanks for your support and prayers.


  1. It amazes me the things that they come up with to help with the chemo! I'm glad that they have those things to keep the mouth sores away. I think that would be very painful without it.

    Aw! Spring is officially at your house! That's sweet! I can't wait for Spring. We did hear the little frogs out yesterday. It thrilled my 6 yr old son. He was out looking for them when we got home from the bus! He didn't find them though. He loves frogs!

    I just love the color of Atticus! Such a beautiful kitty!

    I'll save the address and send a card after I get over my cold. I'm having some pretty bad sinus problems right now and I wouldn't want to send something your way!


  2. In no particular order:
    I had a cat like that once, mine was a 'girl', and from what I heard, it's rare to have an orange female. She was truly sweet and my favorite cat.
    Great that spring is showing major signs!
    And I keep sending my very best wishes your way for your son.

  3. March 11! That's not too far away!
    I love seeing pictures of your kitties. The orange ones are the best.

  4. Hi sweetie, I'm going to put Reid on the card list...

    Is there a time when you might like me to try to get a lot to him at once?

    I might have an idea to get a lot more people participating.

    Let me know your thoughts on this!

    What color netbook did you end up getting?

    Mine is the red one...I like the chocolate one the best, though.

  5. Hi, Betty, those precious kitties. The netbook should find the hospital connection with no trouble just by clicking on the "find a connection", whatever it's called on it. And you're right, if you save it to the hospital connection, you might have to put in the information for your home one, so really it's better to say "don't save this" unless you aren't going to use it at home for awhile. All of those chemicals Reid has to take. I'm so glad he feels OK at the moment. May it continue. Hope all goes well.

  6. Your kitties are so pretty!

    Wonderful news on your Netbook.... don't you love it when a company stands behind their product.

    Continued prayers for Reid..... thanks for giving his address, I'll send a card.

  7. Always thinking about you and Reid. Love from Sicily . xx

  8. Bloggy love and support to you and Reid. I'm posting Jenny's link and will send a card.

  9. I wish I could say the "check's in the mail" but it is a card for Reid. I had bladder cancer and my treatment and chemo was mild compared to his but he sounds like he is in good and God's hands. My prayers are with you all. I came over from Jenny's site too and posted the address on my sidebar. Take care and {{{hugs}}}

  10. Thoughts and prayers with all of you. I have had only a little free blog time, but saw Jenny's post about Reid and link back to your post.

    My post last week was a little about when our son was going through the chemo at 14yrs old. I will check back more often.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (You know how much I love your Ginny Doll story posts, my friend!)

  11. You and Reid are in my thoughts, Betty! Hope all is well {{Hugs}}


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