Showing posts with label Round Top. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Round Top. Show all posts

Saturday, April 04, 2009


I'm away from my computer while visiting Austin for a few days. I uploaded some pictures to blogger so I could post while I was away. I'm having a little trouble using my son's computer, but here it goes...

Last Friday we went back out to the Round Top, Texas area and walked around looking at more antiques, collectibles, and junk. We spotted this place along the side of the road. I think most of this stuff stays outside in his yard year round. I did find an inexpensive set of bronzed baby shoes for my bronzed baby shoe collection. I don't think they had been outside for too long.

Fortunately, he doesn't have a lot of neighbors nearby to complain about his yard.

He had rabbits for sale. They looked cute sitting among the Bluebonnets.

Later on in the day I spotted this vintage piece. "One ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingy." Are you old enough to remember?
That's my husband standing by a vintage washing machine/planter.

You see a little bit of everything...even a dog wearing sunglasses!

When I was a child growing up in the 1950's we used to go to Atlantic City. I think this is one of the things they had on the boardwalk. You paid for a certain length of time and a man would take you for a ride. Does anyone remember what these were called? I want to say jitney, but I think that's probably wrong.

Talk about an unusual item. This is about the only horse this old Jersey girl can ride. I'm getting ready and practicing for a Texas nursing home.

These are a cross between a motorized wheel chair and one of those horses that kids ride outside the grocery store for 50 cents or a dollar. (With inflation it might be $5 now.)
And this is my husband again. He's lugging a metal armadillo that we bought to keep "Tex" company in our backyard.

And now I just have to wait until next October when we can do this all over again!
Note: I'm editing this post just to say that I had it all set up with the pictures and description spaced the way I wanted it to appear. I hit Publish Post and that's not how it appeared.
This has happened to me before and it's frustrating. I guess I shouldn't spend so much time trying to space everything neatly. :)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Last Saturday my husband and I drove out to Round Top, Texas. I'm afraid my heart wasn't in it. I still wasn't feeling 100% and then after lunch I felt even worse, but I persevered for as long as possible. Traffic was backed up and I never made it down to one of the areas I usually enjoy. In the interest of time we stopped at another spot instead.

I didn't buy much. Now I have regrets. Why didn't I buy that dresser scarf with the cute embroidered dogs? And there were a few other things I passed on early in the day thinking I might see something better later on. I did buy another set of bronzed baby shoes for my bronzed shoe collection. (People collect everything...don't they?) And I got one of those tacky bowls or baskets made out of Christmas cards and sewn together with yarn. Anyone remember those? And I like to buy old recipe boxes with the recipes. They're few and far between. When I see them they're usually empty. So, I was pleased to get two boxes filled with old recipes. I also got a few other odds and ends, but ended up calling it a day earlier than I wanted. I'm hoping to convince my husband to drive me back out there on Friday when he has the day off. (Wish me luck!) I wish I didn't have so much trouble driving after dark. I hate waiting for someone else to take me some place. It cramps my style. :)

I did manage to snap a few pictures...

Here's my husband walking along. (No, that's not our dog.)

You see just about everything...

And here's something I never even thought about. Most of the dealers are there with their RV's and campers. They tell me once a day this truck goes through and takes care of necessary business. (You don't have to see the truck to know it's there.)

And this was an interesting booth. I can't help but wonder how many doll heads she actually sells. Most of them looked like they were dragged through the mud.

Yes, there's a little bit of everything for the discriminating buyer.

Friday, March 27, 2009

We'll be gone on Saturday...

We're heading up near Round Top, Texas on Saturday. It's time once again for the Round Top Antique Show, but I don't go to that one. I prefer to traipse through the free ones held in the surrounding area in empty cow pastures. Lots of good junk. Way too much to see in one day. I would have gone up for a day earlier this week, but my eyes no longer cooperate and I just can't drive on the freeways in the dark anymore. In order to have a full day I'd have to either leave in the dark or come home in the dark. So, my husband will drive tomorrow while it's dark and I'll take over when it's light enough for me to see (that way they'll be no arguments about where to stop...I'll be making the decisions). :)

We usually take I-10 out of Houston and get off at Sealy so we can stop at the bakery in Bellville, Texas. The only bakeries we have near us here are in the grocery stores, so stopping in Bellville is a must for us. Besides, by Bellville we need a pit stop. Then we head towards Shelby and make a couple of stops there and then over to SH 237. I've got all my favorite stops marked on the map.

I try and go dehydrated since I hate those Port-a-Potties. If we're lucky we'll find a place for lunch that has restrooms...primitive as they may be.

Anyway, for me it's always a fun trip down memory lane even if I don't buy much. And I'll probably be very selective since I've been on a mission lately to declutter this house. Wish me luck!

Pictures to follow in the next few days.