Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Alphabe-Thursday...The Color Red

Welcome once again to Alphabe-Thursday hosted by Mrs. Matlock at Jenny Matlock..."off on my tangent."  Today is the first day of Summer School and we are busy studying the colors of the rainbow.  Today's color is RED.

To get you all in the mood for studying the colors of the rainbow I enlisted the help of Kermit The Frog.

OK, now you're ready for today's lesson and I'm unprepared. What I'm posting isn't what I had originally planned. I've had to cram for this post today. It had been my intention to travel around my part of town and take photos of RED things.  Unfortunately, it's been raining on and off for the last three days and I wasn't able to take any pictures outside.

Mrs. Matlock is probably going to get out her red pencil...

and give me a...

- 40

Oh just hasn't been my day.

The kids were ready.  They were all excited about the first day of Summer School and dressed in red for the occasion.  They even brought their red things for show and tell.  Ginny Grace brought her Chatty Cathy doll dressed in red.  Ginny Joy brought a red apple for Mrs. Matlock.

But poor little Beau was having a day similar to mine.  He was late and made a mad dash for the bus still wearing his pj's and with his hair uncombed.  He dropped his lunch box and his red Elmo.

I guess we all have days once in a while were nothing goes according to plan.

I did see lots of colors in the elevator of the parking garage the other day.  There was even red.  I'm sure the color coding is done for people like me that sometimes have trouble finding their car in the garage.

And then Reid and I went to see Dad at the nursing home yesterday.  There was a red tablecloth and red carnations on the table.

I had a few more things to put in this post, but I decided to try using Blogger In Draft tonight and I'm having trouble inserting pictures in the post.  I guess I'm impatient. I keep clicking when the pictures don't immediately appear in the post and I end up with five and six pictures of the same thing which I then have to delete.  I need more practice before I do a longer post, so I'm calling it quits for now.  Besides, you've heard of Red Lobster and you probably already have the copy cat recipe for their biscuits.

Be sure and visit my classmates at Mrs. Matlock's blog to see what they came up with for the color red assignment.


  1. I love that the dolls were all getting ready for summer school! too cute!! and that elevator, those buttons are just too cool!

  2. I love those dolls getting ready for school! Very wonderful post! Thanks Anne

  3. How fun to see Ginny and the crew dressed in red. ~ Sarah

  4. I remember Chatty Cathy. I think my sister had one. I especially enjoyed the boy doll whose hair was sticking up.

  5. I've never seen an elevator with those colors...very interesting indeed! I'm glad that the kids were ready for summer school except for Beau's mishap. I'm sure, though, that they all had a good day. Thanks for entertaining me again with the kids.

  6. Thank goodness they have color coded elevator buttons, I'd be lost without them :-)

  7. Poor little Beau! I've had mornings like that myself :) I love the color coding for the parking garage, I can NEVER remember where I parked my car. And I have a little bitty car and it usually ends up between two huge SUVs! Fun red post! Kat

  8. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I had trouble with inserting pictures yesterday too. I hope you have a better day today. Hold on tight to your Elmo!

  9. Betty, I wish I lived near you so that I could become one of your new best friends and play dolls with you.

    Every time I see one of your doll posts I laugh out loud with delight!!

  10. Love the dolls and the story you gave them :) I'm totally a little Beau too except I don't have red pj's.

    That's definitely one really color coordinated elevator button setup! Wow!

    Mmm, Red Lobster. Only eaten there once but the thought of it right now sounds pretty good. :)

  11. Such wonderful examples of Rainbow Red - especially love the dolls all ready to leave and that elevator color-coded system!Wish they'd install it here too!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me!

  12. The dolls are adorable and what a neat writer you are! I really enjoyed this post! HAPPY RED DAY!

  13. Hi Betty!

    I love all your dolls but I especially love all the cute accessories you have for them..even a school! :)

    It looks like your dad had a nice strawberry and ice cream desssert, and I see he's still a White Sox fan!

  14. I have never seen a color coated elevator. I love it!

  15. That was just sooo my stops here..

  16. i think you will get a good grade..especially since you brought an apple!

  17. Love the Rainbow Connection...Beautiful song...very cute post...bkm

  18. Just love the picture of your dad. What I noticed most besides that your dad reminds me of mine, was the two strawberries. Wonder if your dad likes strawberries.

  19. I just love to see the dolls and how convenient that they are going to summer school. How cute is that little Elmo. I've never seen one that small. How festive that table looks at your dad's nursing home. Great red post.

  20. I loved how you improvised! That was really funny and cute!

  21. No way this post could be red-penciled!...too cute.

  22. I love the dolls for summer school! Very creative even if the weather didn't cooperate.

  23. great post...and thanks sooooo much for KERMIT! you made my day :)

  24. Your dad is so cute and it looked like he was eating red strawberries. Great post! The dolls were cute.

  25. I love it when you're setting up for the dolls..Wonderful post!

  26. OK, I might need to get out more but that color coded elevator panel is soooo cool!

    I love all your Reds! You really took us on a great journey here...cute vignettes, great photos, fun writing!

    Thanks for a wonderful stop this week on Alphabe-Thursdays first stop in Summer School!


  27. As always!!!! Your vignettes are my favorite!!!! Like P.J., I want to live near you! I love, love, love your dolls and um...when exactly did you start collecting everything?? Just how small are these? I love them! (oops...I think I've said this already!)
    Hm...when I have some time off of work...I want to go through all your past posts and find all of them with your dolls to read or re-read!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (hubby and son are sleeping, so trying to finally get some blog reading done, visit and reply to comments left on my past two posts!) Thank you so much for stopping by and your sweet comment…)

  28. Your little doll scenes always brighten my day. This one is perfect!

    Good luck with Blogger in Draft. I've switched back to the prior version of Blogger. I had so many pictures in my Picassa web albums it took forever for the post picture screen to load.

  29. Just stopping by from Jenny's Party!! I am late getting around to everyone! Your doll them is really cute. I can relate to the nursing home. My mom is in one now, too. Hard to handle as it is so very sad to see so many people nearing the end of their wonderful lives.

  30. Betty, your Ginny picture is just DARLING. I hope you're having a wonderful summer! We've had one whole month of hot temps and sunshine. I'm just loving it!

  31. I just love the way you get your dolls in on the act!!


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