Sunday, January 31, 2010
Check out Jenny's blog...a fun read and a contest!

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Introducing Hazel for PINK SATURDAY

And in this picture you can see the outside of the trunk and the beautiful brocade fabric with plenty of PINK.

Thank you Beverly for hosting this weekly event.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
October 13, 2009 was a wake up call for us. One day Reid seemed perfectly healthy and the next day we learned that he had a large mass in his chest and a tumor in his spinal canal. Talk about scary!
After spinal surgery, and a week on pins and needles waiting for the pathology report, we learned that he had Hodgkin's Lymphoma. On January 8, 2010 we learned that he is in remission! He still has to finish out the six months of chemo, but things are really looking good right now. Yes, we'll still have to be concerned about the chemo side effects that might follow him for the rest of his life, but the cancer has been knocked on its "you know what." And although he still doesn't have all the feeling back from the chest down he is walking much better and has recently graduated from a walker to a cane.
We have so much to be thankful for this year.
We'll actually go out for dinner this weekend to celebrate. This isn't a good week for Reid. He had chemo on Saturday and will not feel much like eating until Friday or Saturday. That's OK, we'll wait.
Here are some pictures of Reid through the years.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Alphabe-Thursday - B is for Build A Bear Workshop

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm sharing my coffee table which I bought up near Round Top, Texas during the antique fair that's held twice a year. I found this table at one of the booths along the side of the road. It's made from an old door. What I like about this table is that it's already beat up and I don't have to worry about scratches or dings.

No one has to worry about putting their feet up on the table and being comfortable, putting a drink down, etc. And it 's a great size too.

6. Long walks outside when the weather is good...not too hot and humid and not too cold. My favorite place is Brazos Bend State Park in Texas.
7. Hot apple cider with whipped cream on top when it's cold.
8. Watching The Amazing Race on television and then discussing it at length with Keith and Reid. I love that show.
9. Playing with my doll collection. I don't just collect dolls...I actually play with them! I love setting them up in scenes. Just like when I was a child I play Ginny. That's what my friends and I used to say. "Come over to my house after school and we'll play Ginny.
10. Going up near Round Top, Texas when the Round Top Antique Fair takes place. I don't go to that...I go to Warrenton and surrounding areas where people set up in cow pastures and sell their wares.
You're supposed to pass the award on to someone else. I'm going to pass it on to Loretta at House of Houben. Loretta enjoys collecting dolls too and her blog contains doll pictures, old photographs, and much more. I originally met her on a Chatty Cathy doll list many years ago.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Jim took Reid to chemo on Saturday and I stayed home and started to take things down.
When he came home he helped with the disconnect.
And we packed and stacked boxes and containers.
God willing I'll get this stuff all over to the storage shed sometime this week.
Sunday morning Keith left for Austin with his cats. He works for the State of Texas and was here for work on Saturday.
Poor Keith. He probably won't like me telling you this, but his one cat always "poops" or "pees" in her carrier. I think she's trying to tell him she doesn't enjoy traveling.
After Keith got off I drove Reid down to MD Anderson for a shot that he has to get 24 hours after chemo to build up his white blood cells. (No photo...he doesn't consider this a photo op.)
And I'm worrying about our feral cat MaMa. I knew she'd be scared when we had the work done on the house Friday. I'm sure she panicked when she heard the workmen come into the back yard and I haven't seen her since Friday morning when I fed her. The food wasn't touched yesterday which surprised me with all the other neighborhood cats and possums around. This morning the food was eaten, but I don't know if it was her. Until I actually spot her I won't feel comfortable. I just hope she found a safe place nearby to hang out.
This has happened before. When my husband caught and brought her inside for Hurricane Ike she disappeared for a couple of days after he released her. It kept her safe, but she didn't appreciate it one bit. Here's a picture I took of her in 2004. It's not easy to get a picture of her since she tends to run when she see me holding something different in my hand (other than food). She's been with us for almost 9 years and I think she was probably close to a year old when we first spotted her. That's really old for a feral cat.

Please come home MaMa!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Viewing PINK SATURDAY blogs - My PINK SATURDAY post appears below this one
When going down the list of PINK SATURDAY participants on her blog just right click on the link and it will open that blog in a new window. Then you just click it away when finished and go back to the window with Beverly's blog.
Someone else told me that you can just hold down the shift key while left clicking on the link and it will do the same thing.
So there are two ways to do it and both are a lot faster than backing up into Beverly's blog each time.
To visit Beverly's blog just click on the PINK SATURDAY logo on my sidebar. My PINK SATURDAY post appears below this one.
Vintage Cards and Chatty Cathy for PINK SATURDAY
I love looking at these old vintage cards. They're so different from what is made today. Feel free to help yourself to any of these cards. I enjoy sharing.

This one is a pop-up card and is really cute when opened, but impossible to scan that way.

Some of you might remember Chatty Cathy from your childhood. Do you remember this commercial?
Although I have some Chatty Cathys in my doll collection I never played with her as a child. She came out in 1959 and by then I was interested in boys...not dolls. This week I was in an antique store and spotted an old tin stove for my Chattys. It had been $40, but was marked down to $20. I know I've posted a picture of this doll in her pink dress before, but I wanted to show off my new/old stove and she is wearing pink.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Jacking Up The House AKA The Constant Thrill of Home Ownership
Our house needed to be jacked up again along the back. We have a lot of trees and they cause the soil to dry out even faster than normal. We're not about to cut trees down, so we have to have the house jacked up. During the summer we run soaker hoses around the perimeter of the house in hopes of keeping the soil from drying out under the slab. Unfortunately, last summer was very dry and it was a losing battle.
First they bring in jack hammers and open up any concrete. Then they dig holes next to where the piers hold up the slab. The piers were put in under the slab the first time the house was jacked up.

Then they position their jacks.

A man climbs in each hole and they jack up the house.

One of the men comes inside with a long level and keeps checking until the house is back where it belongs.

When they get done they take out their jacks and I believe it's then held up by concrete blocks. They fill in the holes, pour more concrete, and put the deck all back together again.
We knew the house needed to be jacked up because a couple of doors were sticking and some cracks opened up in the drywall. Within about five house everything was level again.