Saturday, June 16, 2007


Saturday...and I'm trying to tie up some loose ends. I go to a Ginny Doll get together in Ohio in July. Each year we have a theme. One year it was a mall at Christmas, another year a county fair, etc. This year it's a park in the 1950's. Each of us will contribute to the park and we also make little gifts for one another. It's a lot of fun, but it takes time to get ready. This year we're supposed to dress up like one of our Ginny Dolls in the 1950's. Well, I got this brain storm and decided to dress up as the Car Hop Ginny. I bought a pattern and the fabric months ago, but I'm just now starting to sew. Of course, I'm having trouble figuring the pattern out. If I ever get the collar on the shirt it will be a miracle. The directions might as well have been written in Greek. Perhaps it's because I haven't sewn anything like this since 8th grade Home Ec. back in the year of the flood. I decided to take a break and mess on the computer for a few minutes. I'm hoping the directions will make more sense after my break.

A friend sent me some links to other Blogs. This caught my eye. If you're feeling a little blah this is a great pick me up! I hope this works. It didn't appear correctly in the preview but I'm hoping everything will be OK when it's published.

OK...I give up. Use the link above instead. For some reason the embed code for Blogs won't work.

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