My Dad has lived near me in assisted living for just about a year now. He didn't want to move from NJ and assumed he'd hate assisted living, but was pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately, his memory has gotten a lot worse and he recently had to have carotid artery surgery which ended up leading to a 2 1/2 week hospitalization. He's on the mend now and is going for physical therapy to help build up his strength. He now walks with a walker which may or may not be permanent. Here's a picture of my husband and Dad shortly before he was released from the hospital. In spite of everything he still looks pretty good for 88.
He's also fallen in love. Right before his hospitalization he asked Amy to marry him. She's 91. Her daughter objected and did not want her mother to marry, so there won't be a wedding. However, they're still a couple around the assisted living facility and spend time together. He enjoys sending her flowers. He does it the only way he knows how. He calls the florist in NJ where he still has an account and orders flowers for Amy here in Texas. Of course, there are florists right in town, but Dad always used the same florist in NJ and that's the only way he knows how to do it. That means it costs more, but I think it's important for him to be able to handle these things himself and it's gotten very difficult to teach him new things, so I don't say anything. His memory loss has already given his self esteem a blow and sending Amy flowers makes him feel so good. He told me last night that Amy likes milk chocolate, so I'm sure we'll be making a trip to Godiva shortly.
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