Monday, May 23, 2016

Working on my dolls...

A few months ago I was in the resale store and spotted a vintage wicker doll carriage.  It was only $25 and I immediately grabbed it.  Yes, the wicker was coming apart.  No problem I thought.  I used to weave baskets so this should be a fast fix for me.  I'll fix it and then spray paint the entire thing so it blends in.  Then I'll put a childhood baby doll in there.  Perfect!
Of course, I had to order the reed first.  It came and I got out all my old basket weaving tools.
I started weaving and the round reed I was going under and over started to break too.  Oh shoot! (Or similar words.)  Now I have to go back and order some round reed.

Guess this won't be a fast fix after all.

A while back I bought this trailer at Target for my Ginny Dolls.  The scale on the outside is fine, but the interior is a little small for a regular size Ginny.  I know some people ended up buying the trailer for their mini Ginnys, but I've never been a fan of mini Ginny.  I prefer the vintage Ginnys from the 1950's or the reproduction Ginnys.  Anyway, I thought it would work fine in the scenes I enjoy creating for my dolls.
It was fine, but I wanted a vintage Airstream trailer.  Remember them?  Love those awnings.
So, after much masking with tape I created an Airstream trailer for my dolls with a can of spray paint.
All of the masking really paid off.  I didn't get any of the silver paint on the inside.
The whole side of the trailer swings open.  I haven't put the side back on yet.  I want to give the paint a chance to cure.  I also haven't put the kitchen back inside.  I put it in a safe place when I took it out.  It's so safe that now I can't find it.  I'm sure it will show up eventually.
I have plans to decorate the inside a little.  I'm going to add curtains and other touches of home.  As you can see I need to add a license plate on the outside.  I would love to find an Airstream decal to also put on the outside.  My goal is to have it finished by July 4th so the Ginnys can go on vacation.

See the new outfit on my doll?  I'd been admiring it for a while.  I finally bought it.

A week ago we lost Buddy.  He was the sweetest cat, but life had become very difficult for him and it was time. 

He had actually been our next door neighbor's cat, but he kept coming over to our house to eat with our feral cat.  Finally, we put down an extra bowl.  Every morning Buddy showed up.  One morning he wasn't there.  Days went by and still no Buddy.  (We didn't know his name.  We just called him our Buddy.) 

Something told me to look on the Friendswood City website.  There was a picture of Buddy.  He had been picked up by Animal Control.  My husband and I went over to see for sure if it was Buddy.  It was him, but he didn't belong to us.  So, at the suggestion of Animal Control we told the neighbor where her cat was and told her if she didn't want him we would take him.  By then he had been missing for ten days and his time was just about up at Animal Control.  She didn't want him so we adopted him from Animal Control and immediately took him to be fixed.  From that day on he was an indoor cat.  We had him for 14 years.

He was my Buddy.


  1. You did a great job on that air-stream!!! It looked perfect!!!!!!!! I am totally impressed. I am so sorry about the loss of your beloved Buddy. :(

  2. Betty you are so talented. Both projects are coming out so well. I'm sorry to hear you lost Buddy--it sounds like he had a very good life!

  3. Such cute pictures of these old toys ! Love the little pram and the camping car. Your cat had a lot of chance that you adopted him !

  4. Oh Betty, I am so sorry that Buddy had to go. Of course you will see him in Heaven, as one of God's creation eagerly awaiting the second coming of Christ. Romans, __;__
    Your trailer came out fine. Would one of those old Disabled Am Vets miniature license plate, or its innards, be of the correct scale? I got on for my 1950 Ford on eBay for not much at all.
    When you get really good at weaving you could fix a chair that the movers busted when moving to here. It is rolled paper reed affair made back in the 30's or so.
    Finally, we moved to Friendswood (Galveston County side, down from the library on Providence Drive) in 1976 and moved to Montgomery in 1999. Our last name was H o v e n d i c k and we were members of First Baptist even before we moved there.

  5. Love your dolls and your talented heart Betty! Aw...Buddy. You are so kind. I am glad he had such a good life with you. It is hard to lose those furry friends. :-( xo


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