Tuesday, October 27, 2015

GinnyFaith's Birthday Party

I decided it was time for a doll post.  I've been neglecting this blog and Alphabe-Thursday.  I just don't spend a whole lot of time online anymore.  I always intend to do better, so bare with me.

We had a lot of rainy weather lately and I kept busy playing with my dolls.  I decided it would be GinnyFaith's Birthday.  She invited some friends over and they had hamburgers and hot dogs.

There's always one person that hogs the ketchup!
After lunch they had cake and ice cream.  The girls even helped decorate the cake.
I didn't want you to miss GinnyFaith's cat!

I'll try and do better in the future.  With a little luck I'll get an Alphabe-Thursday post up this week.  Wouldn't you know it's time for the letter "X" which is always a difficult one.

Things just got very hectic and stressful this summer.  Reid lit up on a PET scan and ended up having two biopsies that were both negative.  However, right after that he developed double vision and had to see a neuro-opthomologist.  He already has Horner's Syndrome from the cancer that was in his neck, but this was a different eye condition.  They had to rule out Hodgkin's in his spine and brain by doing a spinal tap.  That was also negative.  It was also determined that it wasn't caused by the radiation he originally received when first diagnosed.  I believe at this point they think it's from the graft vs host disease that he developed after the stem cell transplant.  He had another PET scan yesterday and we're hopeful that this one will be OK, but time will tell.  Meanwhile, he's still taking online courses and remains upbeat.

I'll be back soon...


  1. Wish I could have come to the party - lol - they all looked like they were having such a nice time. That cook looked real and so did the whip cream - you go girl.

  2. Betty, your photos are exquisite! I just love them. Reid is one strong person. I was thinking about him the other day, and then lo and behold you posted on my neglected blog. I hope and pray he will stay well. Give him a hug for me!

  3. Betty, your photos are exquisite! I just love them. Reid is one strong person. I was thinking about him the other day, and then lo and behold you posted on my neglected blog. I hope and pray he will stay well. Give him a hug for me!

  4. I love your dolls! I am going to miss Jenny. She did such a great job keeping us in line with Alphabe Thursday! But I understand she needs to get well and get to the bottom of her chronic pain. I don't want to lose touch with all the wonderful folks there including you. We will have to find something else to post about. Until Jenny gets better! I am hopeful. Hugs to you Ms. Betty!


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