Wednesday, July 09, 2014

"H" as in HORSE for Alphabe-Thursday

Welcome to Alphabe-Thursday sponsored by Ms. Jenny at Jenny Matlock..."off on my tangent."

Today we are studying the letter "H" as in HORSE.

In keeping with my doll theme...

Since this is Texas my Ginny has to have a HORSE.
Of course, a stable for HORSES is necessary too.
Now head over to Jenny Matlock..."off on my tangent" for a list of this week's participants.

Thank you for visiting.


  1. Always so adorable and creative with your Ginny doll ~ great shots for H ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Very cute- dropping in from Jenny's Alphabe Thursday.

  3. Is that a doggie I spy in his cowboy hat? Cute!
    Love the Ginny in her cowgirl outfit!

  4. Love a child I had more toy horses than I did dolls♪

  5. how cute! Like the theme. {:-D

  6. very cute! love the paint horse!

  7. Lucky Ginny. And she doesn't even have to feed it. :)

  8. Waaaaaa! My Ginny always wanted a horse!!! Yours is so lucky!!

  9. I love all your dolls riding their horses - this is soooooooo cute!

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM

    That is one lucky doll to have a horse and stable!

  11. very cute and fun!
    clever H!

  12. A horse AND a stable?

    How cool!

    I bet this makes your sweet friends really happy!

    Thanks for the smile, friend.

    Loved this.



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