Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Q" as in please QUIT!

It's time again for Alphabe-Thursday sponsored by Ms. Jenny at Jenny Matlock..."off on my tangent."  This week we are studying the letter "Q" as in please QUIT texting and driving!

Back in the early 1990's I used to drive my husband to work.  It was less than ten miles and we'd hit the road sometime between 6:15 and 6:30 AM.  I used to be horrified by all the drunk drivers I saw on the road.  I kept seeing more and more cars driving very slowly or swerving into the next lane.  I thought it was kind of strange to see them on the road at this time of day since bars closed at 2:00 AM.  Then I realized what was happening.  People were talking on cell phones!  This was long before most of us had them and talking while driving was an unusual event.
(I don't know how many of you remember, but there was an aerial that had to be pulled up and they were kind of big and bulky.)  At the time I thought it was kind of dangerous.  Eventually, it became the norm and a few states enacted legislation to make it illegal to drive and use a cell phone. 

Then texting came into being.  I'm not sure exactly when texting began.  It seems like it's been around forever, but it's probably a relatively short period of time.  Could it be less than ten years?

Texting and driving is even more dangerous than talking on the cell phone while driving.  You have to take your eyes off the road for extended periods of time.  I think it should be illegal.  In Texas a few years back the legislature passed a bill to ban texting and driving, but the governor vetoed the bill. (In Texas cell phone use is only illegal in school zones.) It varies from state to state.  Personally, I'm in favor of any kind of ban on cell phone use while driving.  However, that's probably not going to happen in a lot of places.

I don't know what the law is by you, but at the very least please voluntarily QUIT texting while  driving!  It's not worth someone's life.
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be responsible for anyone having to put one of these on their car.

This one made me smile.
Please head over to Jenny's blog for a list of this week's participants.

I hope Jenny will be back with us soon!!!


  1. This past year, with all the driving back and forth to the hospital, we started taking particular notice of drivers that were veering across the lines. In the majority of the cases they were texting while driving, however in some cases they were just talking on the phone. Either way, they weren't totally focused on their driving!

  2. That last picture made me laugh. I'm with you though - I think it should be banned.

  3. I totally fact, my phone stays in my purse on the front seat unless I need the GPS. Only then does it go on the dash!...:)JP

  4. Still grinning at the last image!

    So true!

  5. Hi sweetie. I'm up for a little bit and I thought I'd stop by and see how Reid and you are doing.

    I am so with you on the texting issue. I think they should find a way to disable all cell phones electronically when you are inside a car.

    For everyone. Not just the drivers.

    Thanks for your kind words, Betty.

    I'm thinking we'll find some answers soon!

    You are Quite a lovely friend!

    Thank you for that!


  6. I think Jenny is onto something! If they can block phones in movie theaters, they should be able to disable them inside cars.
    It would truly be sad to have one of those bumper stickers.

  7. Great post for Q ~ and I agree ~ cell phones and driving don't mix ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  8. Eventually the technology will catch up with practicality...I should hope sooner rather than later. Good post♪

  9. That last one is the funniest thing I have seen! No test and drive.


  10. That last quote certainly puts things into perspective...
    We have laws about texting while in a school zone during school hours, but there has been talk of passing a law for no texting at all while driving.

  11. Hi Betty! Good seeing you! I love the church slogan! It is so truthful. We live in a world gone mad! Self centered-ness is the name of the game! Ugh!
    I enjoyed your post and wish you a beautiful weekend.
    Hugs, Anne

  12. In the European countries I know it's illegal to use a cell phone while driving and it can cost you quite a lot. I also think it's very dangerous unless you have a wireless connection. Then it would be as if you talk to the person sitting besides you in the car, but at least you have your hands free for driving.

  13. drinking and driving is still against the law, but people do it. Nevertheless, I believe it should be against the law too. I opted out not to have text capabilities on my phone, and my "new" car hooks up with Bluetooth, so I can talk and drive. People must think I'm crazy, when they see me? {:-D

  14. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Texting and even answering mobiles is banned in uk, but you see it happening all around you on the roads. In some ways communication may be the downfall of the human race! Liz

  15. I don't have a smart phone and I'm not smart enough to figure out how to text with the one I have so I don't text at all! lol In West Virginia it is now against the law to be talking or texting on a cell phone, but I see more of it than I did before the law came into being! I see a lot of police, foresters, tv crew, people that have public type jobs are still talking and driving.

  16. Wonderful post, Betty! I do see distracted drivers talking on their cell phones and or texting all the time and it gets me upset. Not only do they put their life in danger, but the lives of other drivers and pedestrians.

    Thank you for your compliment on my photos--the mountains here are beautiful!

  17. Hi Betty! Thanks for dropping by my neglected blog and leaving a comment! I'm trying to play dolls more often. I even changed a Ginny's dress! Here in Vancouver BC, it is ILLEGAL to be on the cell phone while driving. There is a stiff fine, but I still see people doing it. The whole world has gone insane...


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