Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nothing New...

I don't have anything new to report except that we think the chest tube will be removed today and we think that means he'll be discharged. They took him for a CT scan at 2:30 this morning (I'm learning that hospitals are definitely 24/7 operations) and when I left to come home to shower they were supposed to be taking him for a chest X-ray. I'm sure all of that will factor into whether or not he is discharged.

Now we have to worry about where he'll receive treatment because he does not have insurance. Up until now we didn't have to worry because he went into the hospital on an emergency basis. We've been told that there aren't that many resources in our county and UTMB at Galveston does not do indigent care (that's what it's called) post Ike. The social worker has given us the name of a clinic and once the "official" diagnosis is made there might be other places we can try. I would have loved to have seen him continue with the doctors he's been seeing...especially the Oncologist. Everyone has been wonderful at Hermann Hospital and he's received excellent care. I just can't say it enough. We have truly been blessed. God led us to that hospital thought their emergency room. I don't know what would have happened if we had gone any place else.

I'll be heading back to the hospital in a little while. I've turned off mail to my Yahoo groups and have been deleting a lot of mail. If I've missed something I time at home is limited. I can't even begin to say how much I appreciate your prayers!!! Betty

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