Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Satisfying My Curiosity...

I was taking a few minutes to read some blog posts today and JP at A Quiet Corner published some photos of snowstorm Jonas.  It got me to thinking about named storms.  For as long as I can remember they have named Tropical Storms and Hurricanes, but when did they start naming other storms?

I did a little online research and discovered that snowstorms have been named since 2012 by The Weather Channel.  They've had help coming up with the names by a high school Latin class in Montana since 2013.  I have no idea why this school was chosen, but they came up with the alphabetical list of names used by The Weather Channel.   However, prior to this Connecticut station WFSB had been naming storms on their own.  You can read more here.

Then I wondered about the name Super Storm Sandy.  It turns out that Super Storm Sandy started out as Hurricane Sandy, but lost hurricane status right before it hit the east coast and did so much damage and destruction.  It was a huge storm and many feel it should still have been called a hurricane  because more people might have paid attention and been prepared.  You can read more about it here.

Some of the same people that were hit by Super Storm Sandy are now dealing with Snowstorm Jonas.  It will be interesting to see what the insurance companies do now. Will they pull out and refuse to insure people there anymore?  Raise the rates ridiculously high with huge deductibles if there are any storm claims in the future?  Don't get me going on insurance companies.  Along the Gulf Coast we've been dealing with them for years. I think insurance has become a racket.

 My thoughts and prayers are with the people suffering from the affects of this storm.


  1. Got to be careful of the name Sandy - Sandy's are wild no matter how they spell it. Just kidding. I sure agree with you and hate about the people who get hit with such devastating weather.

  2. Betty, as we discussed...now we just have to remember what you taught us!!!...:)JP


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