Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do you have pets?

I buy 40 pound bags of Dr. Elsy's Kitty Litter at a time. I had been buying them at Petsmart, but a couple of months ago they put the bags on sale for $14.99 a bag (normally $17.99 a bag).  I would go and they'd be sold out.  I like this particular brand so I decided to Google and find out where else I could buy it locally.  Well, my Google search also pulled up Chewy.

I love Chewy!  It's an online pet supply store.

Other than being a satisfied customer I am in no way connected to Chewy.  This is not a paid advertisement.  I'm just thrilled that I found this company.

I now pay $14.99 a bag and if I spend at least $49 the shipping is free.  There is no sales tax.  I order five bags at a time.  On Black Friday the bags were $12.99 each!  It's delivered right to my front door.  I now have it set up for automatic delivery and they send me an E-mail whenever the order is ready to ship and then again when it is shipped.

They sell all sorts of pet, flea products, toys, beds, etc.

If you call them you actually get to speak with a human being.  How's that for service?

You can read more about the company here.

I just wanted to pass my accidental find on to you.  I don't think they've been in business all that long.  Maybe a year or so?  I had never heard of them until I stumbled upon their site in the Google search.

This Crazy Cat Lady and her brood are satisfied customers.


  1. You sound as excited as my son was the other day, when he was telling me they opened a Trader Joe's near him!

  2. So glad to see you here. And I use Chewy products too. Glad you found them. Thinking of you and Reid on the 16th. sandie

  3. So glad to see you here. And I use Chewy products too. Glad you found them. Thinking of you and Reid on the 16th. sandie

  4. We are pet-less at the moment but we might inherit a cat when our Grandlittles move to Ireland!

    I'm definitely going to keep this tip on hand!

    Thanks for sharing!


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