Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday..."D" as in Day After Thanksgiving Dinner

It's time again for Alphabe-Thursday sponsored by Ms. Jenny over at Jenny Matlock..."off on my tangent." This week we are studying the letter "D" as in DAY after Thanksgiving DINNER.

A few years ago I was browsing the web looking for something to make with my left over Thanksgiving DAY turkey. I came upon a recipe that sounded good on recipezaar and it's been a family favorite ever since. I went looking for the recipe today so I could post the link and discovered that recipezaar is now food.com. It took a little searching, but I finally found the recipe here. The recipe is printable from the site and is called DAY After Thanksgiving DAY DINNER.

It's stuffing balls made with stuffing and mashed potatoes and baked until crisp.

Then a sauce is made with leftover gravy, chicken broth, and diced turkey.

It's then poured over the stuffing balls. Here it's shown with leftover asparagus and Cranberry Casserole.

The only changes I've made is that I bake my stuffing balls for 25 to 30 minutes instead of the 15-20 indicated in the recipe. I think that's because my stuffing is probably a little more moist than most stuffings. I also only add a dash of thyme to the sauce. It's just not one of my favorite spices.

I have some turkey and stuffing frozen, so we'll probably have this once again before the end of the year. I'll just use some of those frozen potatoes that you microwave and mash. We really like the leftovers this way!

Now head over to Ms. Jenny's site for a list of this week's participants.


  1. That looks like something I need to maybe make tonight..easy peasy...

  2. Thanks for the recipe!

  3. That looks like a lovely dish. Must remember that

  4. Looks good - almost like chicken and dumplings. Wish I had some turkey and stuffing left!

  5. I love stuffing! I can do without the turkey and just eat stuffing! Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday. xo

  6. What a great idea, Betty! Now I know why I cooked another Thanksgiving Day the day after!!!...Just to have leftovers...:)JP

  7. OOps for me...we have done so much with our left over turkey this year...I may not cook turkey next year! Oh no...we will...but off to the market for something of not turkey design for me!

  8. Oh YES, this looks yummy! Need to save this one:)

  9. Love it~visiting from Ms Jenny's!

  10. Great recipe - and D post!

  11. Anonymous7:36 AM

    These both sounds wonderful! What a great way to use leftovers!

  12. What an interesting dish. I think it would go over BIG at my house!


    My post today: Divine Nature

  13. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I just made mashed potato pancakes with our leftovers. They turned out better than the original dish! =>

  14. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Turkey frame soup is an absolute must whenever we have roast turkey or chicken. The finished soup warms both body and soul.

  15. Looks almost like a chicken ala king recipe. I bet its good.

  16. Mental note for our turkey fest in 24 days

  17. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I like your idea of using the leftover to make such a great dish for the next day. Thanks for sharing this..

  18. Anonymous11:00 AM

    This look really good... I will have to try this with my DAY after Christmas Turkey!! =)

  19. Well that's one recipe I have never seen before. And it looks delish!~Ames

  20. This is a nice way to change up the Thanksgiving day leftover, Betty. I did not cook the holiday meal this year so I didn't have leftovers..I missed them!

    PS: There is no formal Easter Day parade but it is still a custom for some people to go to 5th Ave in Manhattan and walk around in their Easter finery and hats!

  21. I love stuffing! This year I made my usual traditional stuffing but put two eggs in it. Then I made it into giant meatballs and baked them on a greased cookie sheet. They were fabulous. Everybody got some moist and some crusty! It was the hit of the meal!

    The next day there was one left that I had hidden. I heated it up and devoured it.


    Now I need to make another batch so I can make your recipe!

    What a delicious, delicious link to the letter "D".



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